Terms of Use

LAST UPDATED: June 9, 2022


These Terms of Use ("Terms" or the “Agreement”) govern your access to and use of the FilmBook social media platforms, apps, APIs, and services (“FilmBook,” “we” or “our” or “us” or the “Service”). Please read these Terms carefully. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



Disputes pertaining to our Service are determined by arbitration. Please see the arbitration and class action waiver provisions below.


  1. FilmBook helps connect creators and owners with interested parties and/or professionals in the film, gaming, marketing, advertising, social media, music, print, entertainment, streaming, and virtual production/application industries (“you” or “user”). FilmBook’s platform markets photographs, virtual creations, Lidar scans, virtual assets, and/or video footage/recordings (“Content”) as well as properties and assets (“Property”) to Users for the following purposes: to book the use of the Property to capture footage of the Property to be used in a real or virtual application; to book the use of the Property for an On-Location Shoot; to license the use of the captured footage and/or created virtual assets of the Property; to license the use of the Content for a single project and type of distribution.


  1. In order to access some of the services on this Site/App, we may require a separate account and password that can be obtained by completing our online registration form, which requests certain information and data (“Registration Data”) and maintaining and updating your Registration Data as required. By registering, you agree that all information provided in the Registration Data is true and accurate and that you will maintain and update this information as required in order to keep it current, complete and accurate. You also grant us the right to disclose to third parties certain Registration Data about you as necessary to fulfill service requests. The information we obtain from you, including your Registration Data, is subject to our Privacy Policy, which is specifically incorporated by reference into these Terms.


Requirements for Use of FilmBook and their Services

  1. You may use FilmBook only if you can legally form a binding contract with FilmBook in compliance with these Terms and all applicable laws. You cannot use FilmBook if it would be prohibited by U.S. sanctions or the regulations where you reside. Any use or access by anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed unless the user receives explicit written approval from FilmBook. If your country of residence or establishment is within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you may only use FilmBook if you are over the age at which you can provide consent to data processing under the laws of your country. You agree that we may automatically update the website, platform, and/or app, and these Terms will apply to any updates.

Requirements for Content Suppliers and Owners on FilmBook

  1. FilmBook connects Content Suppliers (i.e. owners and licensors of Content) and Properties to Users and Licensees in order to license the Content or book the Property so the Content can be featured and/or licensed. Through the submission of or access to the Content, you grant FilmBook and/or any of FilmBook’s licensees and/or designees the right to market, license, and/or book the Content and/or Property. You are responsible for providing model releases if there is a recognizable person or private property featured in the Content. You must be the sole Owner of the Content or Property and/or have a written agreement with a third party giving you permission to market, license, and/or book the Content or Property to a User/Licensee. FilmBook will not be party to a third party agreement and/or responsible for any payment to the third party unless FilmBook has signed a separate agreement. You must have good title to the Property, and acknowledge and agree that the Property is now and will remain in good condition and in compliance with all local, state and/or federal laws. You warrant that the Content is your original work and was obtained legally, that all laws and clearances were obtained and permitted, including FAA, state, county, and country, and any use of the Content or the Property by FilmBook and/or any producers, production companies and/or any other person or entity will not violate the rights of any other person or entity and including but not limited to trespass, breach of contract, violation of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other common law, statutory and/or intellectual property rights of any third party. You must act in good faith with FilmBook and use your best efforts to assist FilmBook with the marketing, licensing, and/or booking of the Property to capture footage for a production or project and any licensing that may occur after the virtual capture. You may not be a competitor or party working for or with a competitor to learn more about FilmBook’s processes, trade secrets, agreements, contracts, models, and/or business operations.


How Others May Use FilmBook and Your Content

  1. Users may view and license the use of the Content for a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, righted-managed/rights-ready license for a single project and specific type of distribution. Users may request a Blanket License or exclusive use and if granted, a separate agreement will be executed. Users may not use FilmBook and the Content to steal the Content or design, replicate or copy the Content or design, view Content with the intent to create new Content and license directly to interested parties, display on a competitors’ platform and/or with their services, and/or act in an inappropriate manner. User must be respectful, honest, and agree to follow the terms of use and/or licensing agreement for the Content.

Permissions for FilmBook

  1. FilmBook has the right to copy, transmit, distribute, market, publicly display, and make clips or derivatives of your Content. FilmBook has the right to enter into agreements on behalf of the Content Suppliers and license the Content to Users. FilmBook has the right to market the Property, present terms to the Owner, negotiate on behalf of the Owner, and book the use of the Property upon Owner’s acceptance and approval of terms.

How Others May Use Your Property

  1. Users may view, inquire, and book the Property in order to be featured in a film, commercial, advertisement, print media, social media, steaming service, video game or advertisement, television project, print project, the metaverse, virtual production, and/or virtual application. For virtual capture bookings, a small team of no more than 10 individuals will be given access to the Property to capture the following footage: photographs, Lidar Scans, Video, drone and/or helicopter footage and other methods necessary. The costs associated with filming on location will be the responsibility of the party booking the property and will require a separate contract with FilmBook if relying on FilmBook’s independent contractors.

How Long We Can Market Your Content

  1. You and FilmBook agree the start date of the Agreement shall be the day the Content or Property is marketed on the social media platforms and/or website and the initial term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year unless otherwise terminated earlier in writing by FilmBook. This Agreement shall automatically renew for consecutive additional one (1) year periods unless you provide FilmBook written notice of your desire to terminate this Agreement no less than sixty days prior to the expiration of such one (1) year period and you shall be obligated to fulfill any and all agreements for use of the Property and/or Content entered into prior to such notice of termination by you.



  1. Content is licensed either as a Complimentary License or on a non-exclusive, Rights-Managed/Rights-Ready basis under our FilmBook Media Content License Agreement. If you would like a blanket (“Blanket”) license or exclusive use, please contact FilmBook directly.
  2. Rights Managed (“RM”) and Rights-Ready (“RR”) license permits the content to be used in perpetuity for one specific purpose, production, project and type of distribution.There is no expiration date for the use of the Content. If the Licensee would like to use the Content in another production, project, and/or type of distribution, and/or for an additional use, then a new license is required.
  3. Blanket License grants a Virtual Production Studio the right to showcase the Content in their Library for projection as a backplate and virtual use and license the use of the Content to third parties under the terms in the Blanket License. The Virtual Production Studios will pay a fee for the right to showcase the Content and a royalty for each license granted by the Studio. The Studio will provide a record of each license granted and its details. Contact FilmBook if you require a Blanket license.
  4. All Content is licensed as Non-Exclusive, meaning you do not have exclusive rights to use the Content and FilmBook can license the same Content to other customers.
  5. Content may be available to be licensed as Exclusive, meaning you have the exclusive rights to use the Content, and FilmBook and the owner of the content may not license the same Content to other customers in the future. The Content may have been licensed in the past and that license will remain in full effect unless another agreement is signed terminating the use of the license. Exclusive license are negotiated on an individual basis and will require a separate licensing agreement. Contact FilmBook if you need an Exclusive license.
  6. Each license permits the distribution of the Rights-Managed/Rights-Ready Content of the following uses:
  7. Corporate (Website, Social Media, Tradeshow, Internal Marketing, Internal Meetings)
  8. Music and Promotional (Music Video, TV Commercial, Advertisement, Influencer Marketing, Trailer)
  9. Virtual Realm (Backplate, Video Games, Metaverse, XR Stage, Augmented Reality)
  10. Film & Entertainment (TV Project, Streaming Service, Theatre, Indie Film, Major Motion Picture)
  11. In the event the User requires another type of distribution, the User may contact FilmBook to negotiate new terms and execute a separate licensing agreement.
  12. By purchasing a license, you acknowledge and agree the Content will be used in a way that is consistent with the rights granted and restrictions stated below and the rest of the terms of this agreement. You agree that if you should violate these Terms that the licensor/content owner shall have the legal right to bring a legal action directly against you.


Never Permitted:

  1. i. You may not use the Content in a way that will harm, present in an unflattering manner and/or could potentially be controversial to the Owner, Creator, Supplier of the Content, Models, Persons, or Property featured in the Content, and/or FilmBook.
  2. ii. You may not use the Content in a defamatory or unlawful manner.
  3. iii. You may not use the Content in a pornographic manner or in a pornographic project.
  4. iv. You may not use the Content in a manner that violates any applicable laws or regulations, including FAA regulations, trademarks, infringements, governing bodies, any sports regulations in regards to content distribution and licensing, and/or any codes.
  5. v. You may not alter any Content marked as “Editorial” or intended for Editorial Use with the exception of cropping or editing for technical reasons. The integrity of the Content may not be compromised.
  6. vi. You may not use Content and then represent the Content as your own work or property.
  7. vii. You may not feature the work as art and claim you are the creator or visionary.
  8. viii. You may not use the Content in a manner that will allow for the download, extraction, distribution, or theft, whether intentional or not.
  9. ix. You may not transfer, license or sub-license the Content to anyone else with the exception of your employer or client so they can use the Content under the specific licensing terms and type of distribution. If you purchase Content on behalf of a company, production, employer, or client, then you warrant and represent you have the full legal authority to purchase on their behalf and are able to enter into a legally binding agreement with FilmBook, and your client and/ or employer agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement and may not use the Content for any other purpose other than for the specific license. If you did not have permission or the authority to license the Content, then your client, and/or employer may not use the Content. The rights belong to the “Licensee” at the time of the purchase.

Permitted only with a Separate Written Agreement:

  1. The following are strictly prohibited unless there is a prior written agreement giving consent by FilmBook and receipt of payment for the additional licensing terms and conditions:
  2. i. You may not use the Content in a way that will harm, present in an unflattering manner and/or could potentially be controversial to the Owner, Creator, Supplier of the Content, Models, Persons, or Property featured in the Content, and/or FilmBook.
  3. i. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, you may not use the Content to create an NFT.
  4. ii. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, you may not use Content marketed as “Editorial” or intended for editorial for any purpose, including but not limited to commercial use, promotions, endorsements, advertising, advertorial, merchandising and/or gambling, either online, in person or virtually. Model and property releases must be obtained by the User/ Licensee, their Legal department, and/or FilmBook and a written statement of receipt must be provided before the Content may be used for any other type of purpose besides Editorial.
  5. iii. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, the Content may not be downloaded, distributed, and/or featured on any type of electronic or digital template.
  6. iv. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, the Content may not be licensed or sub-licensed to a third party for any purpose.
  7. v. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, you may not use the Content to feature a trademark, trade name, logo, service mark, and/or design mark.
  8. vi. Unless authorized in a separate licensing agreement, you may not use the Content for facial recognization, machine learning and/or artificial intelligence, and/or replication/identification of models, persons, figures and/or properties.


  1. FilmBook may use any comments, information, reviews, ideas, suggestions, concepts, or techniques received through various forms of communication with you (“Feedback”). You agree to freely provide feedback and no compensation will be given for the feedback.


  1. We respect intellectual property rights and expect those who market and use FilmBook to respect them as well. All licensed Content is either owned by FilmBook or its Content Suppliers. Properties are owned by the Owner. Footage captured of the Property is owned by the person or company who captured the footage, unless the individual was contracted on a “for hire” basis. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved by FilmBook and the Content Suppliers. You may not assert any right to the Content and any revenue received for the Content.


  1. We respect copyrights and expect others to as well. FilmBook has adopted and implemented their copyright policy in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable copyright laws. FilmBook conducts their business in such a manner as to be able to take reasonable advantage of the safe harbors provided by Section 512 of the DMCA and other applicable laws. If you believe that you or someone else’s copyright has been infringed on by FilmBook and/or the Content Supplier, you (or the owner or rights holder, collectively, “Rights Holder”) should send notification to our designated agent immediately. The following notice requirements are intended to comply with FilmBook’s rights and obligations under the DMCA and, in particular, section 512(c), and do not constitute legal advice. Consult with an attorney prior to submitting your complaint. For your complaint to be valid under the DMCA, please provide the following information:
  2. i. Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to be infringed. Please provide the title, location (e.g. URL) or another means to identify the copyrighted work in question, or, in the case of multiple alleged infringements, a representative list and location of such works.
  3. ii. Identification of the content you believe to be infringed. Please provide the title, location (e.g. URL) or another means to identify the content in question, or, in the case of multiple alleged infringements, a representative list and location of such content.
  4. iii. Your name, address, telephone number and email address.
  5. iv. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the work and/or content identified above is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. v. A written statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information and statement you have supplied are accurate and that you are either the copyright owner or an authorized representative of the copyright owner.
  7. vi. The signature or the electronic equivalent from the copyright holder or the authorized representative.
  8. Notice may be sent by postal mail to Attn:FilmBook Media, 2870 Peachtree Road #465, Atlanta, GA 30305, United States or by email to legal@filmbook.media.


  1. FilmBook’s social media platforms, website, services, and apps may contain links to third-party websites, advertisers, services, special offers, events, and activities (“Third-Party Services”). We do not endorse or make warranties of any kind, express or implied, or accept or assume any responsibility for any such Third-Party Services, sites, content, information, materials, or products. Such Third-Party Services and platforms are not under the control of FilmBook and are only provided as a convenience to you. If you access any Third-Party website, service, or content from FilmBook, you do so at your own risk and you agree that FilmBook has no liability arising from your use of or access to any third party website, service, or content.


  1. For all charges for services on or offered in connection with the FilmBook Service, we will bill your credit card or debit card provided to us. You agree to provide us with accurate and complete billing information, including valid credit/debit card information, your name, address and telephone number, and to provide us with any changes in such information within 10 days of the change. All monies shall be paid in full prior to the capture of footage, receipt of the Content, and/or the granting of your license(s). For certain Payment Methods, the issuer of your Payment Method may charge you a foreign transaction fee or other charges. Check with your Payment Method service provider for details. Our payment processing services are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service, including its privacy policy (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement” ). By agreeing to these Terms or continuing the use of our Services, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, and acknowledge and agree that they may be modified by Stripe at any time. As a condition of FilmBook enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide FilmBook Media accurate and complete information about you and/or your business, the distribution method, and project, and you authorize FilmBook to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe. If inaccurate information is provided, FilmBook reserves the right to cancel payment and the license agreement will be automatically terminated.
  2. If you are a Property owner, Content Supplier or film crew, the terms of payment for services will be set forth in a separate written agreement between FilmBook and you.


  1. FilmBook reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason. In the event you are in breach of the Terms or other agreements with FilmBook and are using Content belonging to someone else, you must cease the use of the Content, delete and destroy all copies of the Content, and confirm in writing that you have complied with these requirements. You will be responsible for any damages for the breach and your actions. In the event a third party is not or does not plan to continue the use the Content per the rights granted in the license, then you agree to remove any Content from the third party, their social media accounts, platforms, websites, and all presentation and distribution methods. If you are a Content owner and this Agreement is terminated, the terms of your separate license agreement with FilmBook shall apply.


  1. FilmBook offers the user a Complimentary License for 30 days to determine if the Content will serve its intended purpose before purchase. All purchases are non-refundable. In the event FilmBook or yourself are notified regarding claims of infringement of a third party’s rights, then you agree to cease the use of the Content until further notice. FilmBook will supply you with replacement Content at FilmBook’s expense.


  1. FilmBook acts as a conduit to assist Content Suppliers, Property owners, rights holders, film crews and production companies work together. As a user, you agree to release FilmBook from liability for actions taken out of the company’s control. Moreover, you hereby indemnify and hold FilmBook, its directors, officers, owners, members, managers, shareholders, employees, agents, licensees, assignees, clients, attorneys, affiliated entities and other representatives harmless from any and all demands, claims, suits, judgments, or other liability including all legal fees and other expenses incurred by FilmBook in connection with any claim arising by reason of your breach or alleged breach of any representation or warranty herein an/or any agreements related hereto, including but not limited to any agreements between Content Supplier, creator of Content, Property owner, FilmBook, and/or any person or entity. FilmBook will not be liable to you or to any other person or entity for any lost profits, punitive, indirect, inconsequential or consequential, incidental or other similar damages or costs that may arise from the booking, licensing or other transactions arising out of this Agreement, even if FilmBook has been advised of the possibility of such damages, costs or losses.


  1. FilmBook does not grant any right or make any warranty with regard to the use of names, people, trademarks, trade dress, logos, designs, and/or art or architecture depicted or contained in the Content. You, your company, and/or your legal team are solely responsible for determining whether release(s) are required in connection with your proposed use of the Content, and you are solely responsible for obtaining such release(s). You acknowledge that no releases are generally obtained for Content identified as "editorial" or "intended for editorial" and that some jurisdictions provide legal protection against a person's image, likeness or property being used for commercial purposes when they have not provided a release. You also acknowledge that organizers of sports, news and entertainment events sometimes impose contractual restrictions on commercial use of Content captured at their events. You are also solely responsible for payment of any amounts that may be due under, and compliance with any other terms of, any applicable collective bargaining agreements as a result of your use of the licensed Content. You are also responsible for ensuring that Content does not contain intellectual property of others who have otherwise not agreed to its licensing to third parties.
  2. FilmBook works hard to be as accurate as possible but errors may occur. FilmBook does not warrant the accuracy of such information in regards to keywords, captions, collections, series, and title of Content, or of any metadata provided with the Content. Content is provided "as is" without representation, warranty or condition of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied representations, warranties or conditions of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. FilmBook Media does not represent or warrant that the Content or its websites will meet your requirements or that use of the Content or websites will be uninterrupted or error free.


  1. Your use of the Site/App is subject to applicable laws and regulations. This mean, among other requirements, that you agree not to engage in any conduct that is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortious, or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals. You shall not impersonate any person or entity, including any of our employees or representatives.
  2. You further agree not to upload or disseminate software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any data or other information of any third party.



  1. This Agreement is not assignable by you without FilmBooks' prior written consent. FilmBook Media may assign this Agreement, without notice or consent, to any corporate affiliate, partner or to any successor, provided that such entity agrees to be bound by these terms.


  1. For any reason, you agree to provide to FilmBook copies of projects or end uses that contain licensed Content. FilmBook may audit your records directly related to this Agreement and your use of licensed Content in order to verify compliance with the terms of this Agreement and/or any other agreements. If any audit reveals misuse of the license, then FilmBook may bill you for the additional uses. If there are damages for the misuse and infringement, you may be held responsible for those damages. If misuse is found, you will be responsible for the costs incurred by FilmBook for the audit. This provision also applies to Content Suppliers in order to ensure that if they have provided exclusive licenses that they confirm the Content has not been shared in violation of any license agreements. Content Suppliers and purchasers of Content as well as Property owners and those who have purchased the right to use the Property acknowledge that they may be directly sued by each other for operating outside of agreed upon license notwithstanding that they may not directly contract with each other.

Severability and Waiver

  1. If, for whatever reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provisions, terms or condition in these Terms to be unenforceable, all other terms and conditions will remain unaffected and in full force and effect. No waiver of any breach of any provision of these Terms will constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent, or subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions hereof, and no waiver will be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party.

Conflicting Language

  1. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between these Terms and any license agreement you enter with FilmBook, the terms of such license agreement shall control.


  1. All notices required to be sent to FilmBook under this Agreement should be sent via email to legal@filmbook.media. All notices to you will be sent via email to the email address you provided.


  1. You agree to pay and be responsible for any and all sales taxes, use taxes, value added taxes (VAT), withholding taxes, and/or duties imposed by any jurisdiction as a result of the license granted to you, or for the use of the licensed Content.

Force Majeure

  1. Except for the payment of any license-related fees, each party will be excused from any failure or delay caused by or the result of causes beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane or other natural catastrophe, pandemic, terrorist actions, laws, orders, regulations, directions or actions of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the subject matter hereof, or any civil or military authority, national emergency, civil unrest, insurrection, riot or war, labor strikes not involving either party’s employees, general failure of telecommunication, electronic transmission, general failure of the Internet, failure of any third party operating systems, platforms, applications or networks not under reasonable control of FilmBook, or other similar occurrence.


  1. These Terms of Use will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Georgia, without reference to their rules regarding conflicts of law and principles. If you are not a consumer in the EEA, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this agreement is Fulton County, Georgia, or the United States District Court for the District of Georgia and our dispute will be determined under Georgia law. If you are a consumer in the EEA, this won’t deprive you of any protection you have under the law of the country where you live and access to the courts in that country. You agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision, and that you and FilmBook are each waiving the right to a trial by jury and the right to participate in a class or multi-party action. This arbitration provision will survive termination of these Terms and the termination of your agreements, licenses or other services.
  2. For any dispute you have with FilmBook, you agree to first to contact FilmBook at legal@filmbook.media and attempt to resolve the dispute with FilmBook informally. If FilmBook has not been able to resolve the dispute with you informally, each party agrees to resolve any claim, dispute, or controversy (excluding claims for injunctive or other equitable relief) arising out of or in connection with or relating to these Terms by binding arbitration by JAMS ("JAMS") under the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures will apply for disputes of less than $50,000, and the JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules will apply for disputes involving $50,000 or more, and in either instance the JAMS Optional Expedited Arbitration Procedures will apply. Unless you and FilmBook agree otherwise, the arbitration will be conducted in Fulton County, Georgia. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and all documentation shall be presented and filed in English. Each party will be responsible for paying any JAMS filing, administrative and arbitrator fees in accordance with JAMS rules. The award rendered by the arbitrator will include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys' fees and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses, and any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this Section will prevent either party from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief from the courts for matters related to data security, intellectual property or unauthorized access to the Service.
  3. Any arbitration must be commenced by filing a demand for arbitration with the JAMS within ONE (1) YEAR after the date the party asserting the claim first knows or reasonably should know of the act, omission or default giving rise to the claim; and there will be no right to any remedy for any claim not asserted within that time period. If applicable law prohibits a one-year limitations period for asserting claims, any claim must be asserted within the shortest time period permitted by applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, FilmBook Media shall have the right to commence and prosecute any legal or equitable action or proceeding before any court of competent jurisdiction to obtain injunctive or other relief against you in the event that, in the opinion of FilmBook Media, such action is necessary or desirable to protect FilmBook Media' intellectual property rights.


If you have any comment or questions regarding these Terms of Use, you may contact FilmBook at the following:

  1. FilmBook Media, LLC.
  2. 2870 Peachtree Rd #456
  3. Atlanta, GA 30305
  4. Attention: Terms of Use - Administrator
  5. Or at the following email: legal@filmbook.media