Why FilmBook?

Most owners would love to have their property featured in a film, tv series or commercial but don't know how to get noticed or what to expect when contacted. FilmBook Media provides a platform to connect properties to the film and entertainment industry and provides the owners production friendly contracts to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding what is going to happen, where and for how long. If the owner needs advice or assistance, then they may contact the Concierge Team to guide them through the entire process. There's how it works:

FilmBook Collection Properties

Owners list their properties and deal directly with the scouts, location managers, marketing companies and productions. Once the details are finalized, FilmBook will provide the owner with a Location Agreement to complete and send to the other party. The Agreement specifies the required insurance policies. The owner will collect the proof of insurance stating the owner and property have been added as additional insureds. At any time, the owner may choose to engage FilmBook's concierge team to advise or assist with any parts of the process.

FilmBook's Concierge Services

FilmBook is here to assist the owner and production company at any time. Our concierge services will negotiate the terms of the agreement and obtain signatures, collect the insurance policies, be the point of contact for the production, and assist in any claims. FilmBook is compensated for their professional services at the end of the booking. An additional 5% will be deducted from the amount paid to the owner.

Site Representation

FilmBook strongly recommended someone being present at all times to represent the property. Contact FilmBook if you would like for a team member to be present during the production. Rates vary based on the location.

Exclusive Collection Properties

An owner may request to become a part of the Exclusive Collection where the Concierge Team handles every aspect of the process, from listing to the moment the production wraps the project. A site manager is present to represent the property during the production.